Step 1: Identify Your Brand
Please enter your email via your brands corporate, franchise, or operator email address. If you do not wish to login, you may select your brand for the configuration options. You will not see brand pricing if you do not login.
Login for specialized configuration and pricing.
Continue without logging in. No special pricing.
Step 2: Choose Drive Thru Type
Single Lane
Dual Lane
Step 3: Choose Store Size
Simple footprint, Single-Lane store, Less than 60 linear feet (18.3 m) on all sides, A single-level store, No antenna extension, No coverage gap
Dual-Lane store or one with mobile lane, Larger than 60 linear feet (18.3 m), A two-level store, Used antenna extension, Coverage gap contained
Dual-Lane store plus multiple/opposite outdoor side coverage, Large footprint, Three-level store, Extended outdoor order-taking requirements
Extra Large
Multilevel store, Beyond three levels or large footprint, including outdoor coverage
Step 4: How many Headsets?
When selecting the correct amount of HME Nexeo headsets for your fast food restaurant, it's crucial to ensure that all order takers have a headset to maintain efficient and clear communication with customers. Additionally, any crew members who need to coordinate with the kitchen or front counter staff should be equipped with headsets.
Step 5: How many NEXEO Access Points or Transceivers?
When choosing the number of access points, consider that each access point typically covers about 1,500 square feet. However, walls, metal objects, and other obstructions can reduce this range. To ensure good coverage, you might need more access points than you initially think, especially in areas with many walls or obstacles. It's a good idea to plan for some overlap in coverage to maintain a strong and reliable connection throughout the area.
Step 6: Choose Subscription Type
Nexeo Core
Nexeo Pro
Step 7: How many batteries and chargers do you need?